Monday, April 12, 2010

The First Day of Class in a LONG Time

This post shall be brief but I just wish to tell you what a difference 5 weeks can do to a person. During the first two terms, I worked myself to the brink of insanity! Okay, that was a very dramatic statement and was exaggerated just a little, but in truth I worked very hard. Then I got to Ireland and the only class I had was on Wednesday nights! Other than that, it was a vacation! It was 5 weeks of trips, down time, and fun! I could sleep in as late as I wanted and stay in my pajamas all day if I chose!

Now, I have to think about what time I have to sleep. I have to constantly remind myself of assignments, readings, and quizzes. I must remember that although I am abroad, I am first and foremost a student. As unfortunate as doing my homework may be, I bear in mind that I could be back on campus in Erie, PA dreaming of Ireland and imagining what it would be like instead of actually being here, and being able to look out my window and not see the parking lot behind our apartment on Lewis, but trees and rolling hills behind the parking lot of the hotel we are staying at.

Being in class is different. Dr. Reed and Dr. Snyder are awesome professors though! They make me laugh but they also really know their stuff! Ethics should be a very interesting class as we go through was constitutes ethics and what our morals are like. British Lit. Survey is what I'm excited about because we are talking about poetry! I love poetry! So it should be fun trying to figure out the messages of each poet! I hope every class is fun like that! I have a pretty good feeling that it will be!

Stay tuned for more from me!...

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