Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Woe is me! Finals!

Okay I know that finals are completely necessary, essential actually, to determine the amount of knowledge and comprehension that a student has attained throughout the course of the..well..course! But Dear God! Woe is me! Wailing and gnashing of teeth! FINALS!!!!

They are stressful! They are tiresome! Overwhelming! They take at least 5 years off my life each time I have to study for them! Sometimes I wish that all finals could be oral at least. For me, it's easier to verbalize my thoughts than to write them down. I don't know why that is - trust me, my cranium is very complex. The human brain is so alien and mine takes alien to a whole new level!

I only have 2 finals: One for Dr. Reed and one for Dr. Snyder. So I guess it could be so much worse than it actually is. But it's bad enough that I'm writing it down! Blog out some of this pent up angst so that maybe studying will be a little easier..which it is now!

Wow, blogging is actually therapeutic! I would recommend it to you, reader, if you're ever experiencing anxiety!

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